Miss France 2006 : Alexandra Rosenfeld

Publié le par DM



Miss France 2006 and Miss France 2005, Cindy Fabre.

 Alexandra Rosenfeld (born in 1986 in Béziers, Hérault) was elected Miss France in 2006. Representing the region of Languedoc, she succeeded Cindy Fabre as the 52nd Miss France on December 3, 2005.

She lives in Saint-Thibéry and studies tourism in Pézenas. Immediately after winning the title, she received anti-semitic comments on online websites and forums. She responded by silently dismissing their ignorance. She will compete for France at the Miss Universe 2006 pageant in Los Angeles, California on July 23.






Miss France Official Website: http://www.tf1.fr/missfrance/

TF1 20h News: http://videos.tf1.fr/video/news/newsthemes/france/0,,3268903-e3BsYXllciBxdWFsaXR5IFVOVl9JRH0gezIwMiAyMDEgMX0=,00.html

TV Blog: http://www.vip-blog.com/vip/articles/1146703.html

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